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Keeping calm with a screaming baby is easier said than done. Tensions and emotions run high during those first few days, weeks and months. 
Waking up to feed your baby in the early weeks can be mentally and physically tiring. NCT breastfeeding counsellor and postnatal practitioner Fran Bailey shares her tips on making night feeds more manageable.
Tagged with: Common discomforts
So you know perineal massage might help you to avoid perineal tears and you’re keen to try it out. Read on for our guide to how to massage your perineum.
Tagged with: Introducing solids
When your baby is having their first experiences of non-milk food, it can be tempting to stay glued to your own kitchen. But there’s no reason why they can’t eat out. Just use these simple hacks…
Getting breastfeeding support when you need it is important. Here we go through the types of support available, including NCT groups, drop-ins and more.
Whether it’s simply for curiosity or because you want to query something, getting access to your maternity notes is every woman’s right. Here’s how to do it.
You might be sharing every twist and maternity pad story with new mum friends. But friends who don’t have children can feel distant. Here’s how to include them…
Whatever happens, there will be a period of adjustment for your oldest child when their baby sibling is born. Here’s how to manage it when they feel left out or jealous.
It’s most parents’ biggest dread: when their child has an almighty meltdown in front of a whole crowd of strangers. Here’s how you can ease the pain…
You’ll make new mum friends and NCT can help with that. But those old friendships are precious too. Here’s how to help old friendships evolve with you.

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