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Mum of three, Claire Lynch, shares her experience of being a two-mum family and offers her advice for being included during pregnancy and labour by healthcare professionals
This article explores how to create a warm and responsive environment for your child to thrive.
Tagged with: Money and benefits
Learn how Universal Credit is different from existing benefits, how much you’ll be paid and how to apply for it
Does coronavirus affect formula feeding? Read on to find out more…
Tagged with: Caesarean birth
We discuss the advantages and risks of a vaginal birth after a caesarean and answer questions you might have about vaginal births after caesarean.
If you're getting more vaginal discharge now you're pregnant, you aren’t alone. Here are the answers to the most-asked questions about vaginal discharge.
It can be an uncomfortable side-effect of pregnancy but can varicose veins cause harm? Here’s the information…
Vasa praevia is rare in pregnancy but it can cause complications. We discuss what it is, risk factors, symptoms and its management during labour.  
If you’ve heard people talk about Vitamin K but are feeling a bit clueless, here’s the information you’ll need.

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