Released on: 19 June 2024

NCT’s Belinda Ngugi has been recognised by Newham Council for her instrumental role in developing the charity’s Newham Nurture programme which supports pregnant women and new mothers seeking sanctuary.  

Belinda, Perinatal Programme Manager at NCT was celebrated as a ‘Newham Changemaker’ by Newham Council as part of its refreshed 50 Steps Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which focuses on improving health and lowering inequalities in the borough.  

Since 2021, Newham Nurture has supported over 300 women and families each year during pregnancy and up to two years after birth through counselling, peer support and education. It is aimed at women from low income, migrant and marginalised backgrounds experiencing financial hardship and disadvantage.  

Newham Nurture is a co-produced service, developed with the women it supports to deliver personalised perinatal services, to help pregnant women navigate the UK maternity system as well as meet and connect with other women seeking sanctuary.  

Having lived in Newham and worked for NCT since 2011, Belinda found many services failed to represent the voices and experiences of women seeking sanctuary. This led her to partner with local charities and women with lived experience to create Newham Nurture.  

Belinda said: “It is an honour to be able to support, empower and advocate for so many women who often have no voice or part in decisions that affect their lives, particularly in pregnancy, birth and early parenthood.  

“Sadly, this is a similar picture across the country for women who are fleeing for their safety. We know this model of co-production maternity and postnatal support works, and we would encourage other councils to step forward and take action to support women and families in their local area.” 

Matt Bury from Newham Council said: “Newham’s Public Health Team is honouring Belinda and Newham Nurture as Newham Changemakers for their commitment to help people seeking sanctuary to settle and lead independent, healthy and happy lives.” 

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