At NCT we take safeguarding very seriously. We believe that protecting people from harm is everyone’s responsibility. We ensure that everybody who engages with our services, activities and events are safe and protected.
This includes pregnant women, their partners, babies, children and new parents, as well as our staff, volunteers, students and practitioners.
Our safeguarding policies and procedures ensure that robust systems are in place and set out the framework within which all staff, practitioners and volunteers of NCT are required to work, in order to keep children and adults safe. We are committed to safeguarding excellence and have a continuous improvement programme in place to review our safeguarding practices.
Our safeguarding policy is available on request. For that, and all other queries relating to safeguarding including making a disclosure or raising a concern please leave a message on 0208 752 2376 or email
Remember in an emergency, if you think the person is at immediate risk, don’t hesitate to contact the emergency services.