Released on: 08 August 2024

NCT, the national charity for pregnancy, birth, and early parenthood, has successfully secured over £220,000 from Sport England to set up hundreds of new NCT Walk & Talk groups throughout England.

The funding will encourage pregnant women and new parents to become more active and will be spent over the next two years. It will help NCT’s existing Walk & Talk community network expand across wider, more diverse parts of England with a focus on creating inclusive, supportive spaces and opportunities for every parent to take part.

NCT Walk & Talks were established by the charity during the pandemic, building on the concept established by NCT volunteers hosting local walking groups. NCT Walk & Talks give parents local, free, and accessible opportunities to spend time with other pregnant women and new parents and get some light exercise, while also improving their mental health and wellbeing.

There are currently 387 NCT Walk & Talk groups throughout the UK. The new funding will enable the charity to increase this to nearly 800 groups, and support more than double the number of new parents in England who take part in these sessions.

Angela McConville, Chief Executive of NCT said: “The funding from Sport England will make an enormous difference to the impact we’re able to make to the lives of pregnant women and new parents, particularly in areas we’re unable to reach currently. Evidence shows that walking, getting outside, conversation and sharing experiences with others after you’ve had a baby is a hugely beneficial way of looking after your physical and mental health. The early days with a new baby are incredibly important, and to be able to connect with other parents, share experiences and build local community are vital to confidence and connection. We’re hugely excited to have received this new funding from Sport England, it is going to transform our ability to support more people as they become parents.”

NCT has over 3,000 volunteers throughout the UK providing community-based support to new and expectant parents. NCT volunteers currently organise activities including NCT Nearly New Sales, NCT Bumps & Babies and NCT Baby Cafes. The new Sport England funding will be used to bring in additional project support, new technologies, and resources for local NCT groups. If you’re interested in finding out more about NCT Walk & Talks and setting up a group in your local area, please email

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