Released on: 01 May 2024
Pregnant women and new parents seeking asylum in Newham will get more support, thanks to renewed funding secured by NCT.
NCT, the national charity for pregnancy, birth and early parenthood, was awarded funding from Royal Docks Trust for a second year, to provide vulnerable women with information and support about how to care for themselves and their baby.
The funding will allow more NCT Peer Supporters to be trained and for the programme to continue to offer workshops and drop-in sessions so women can learn about infant feeding, introducing solids, sexual health and family planning and infant first aid.
The programme is also able to pilot bespoke ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) courses specifically designed to address the unique needs of pregnant women and new parents seeking sanctuary, so they can increase their confidence and knowledge when accessing healthcare and other support services.
NCT Newham Nurture currently supports over 300 families each year, with many facing challenges such as homelessness and financial hardship. The service has been coproduced by a steering group of 11 mothers with lived experience of the hardships, challenges and barriers migrant and marginalised families face in accessing maternity services. The programme runs in partnership with local charities, the Magpie Project and Alternatives Trust East London to support families in the London Borough of Newham who are seeking asylum, have refugee status or have no recourse to public funds, through pregnancy and early parenthood.
Belinda Ngugi, NCT Newham Nurture Programme Manager, said: "Whilst all women should have access to equitable maternity care, we know many women and families face barriers in understanding the UK healthcare system or accessing available support. Newham Nurture provides much-needed culturally safe and accessible information and support about pregnancy, birth and postnatal care.
“We hope with this renewed funding we can continue to support more vulnerable pregnant women and new parents in Newham to feel confident, prepared and safe, and enjoy their journey through pregnancy, birth, and parenthood.”