Released on: 12 September 2024

Responding to the Twins Trust’s State of the Nation report, Angela McConville, Chief Executive at NCT, said:

“Raising a family with twins or multiples can be a unique and demanding experience, emotionally, socially and financially. The financial strain for parents with multiples should not be underestimated, with more than 70% of families having to invest in a new car. We know managing the increased costs of baby essentials including nappies, clothing, formula milk and other consumables, is taking a worrying toll on families.

“Beyond the Sure Start grant for families with multiples, there is little financial support available, and it is unacceptable that the UK ranks among the lowest of all advanced economies in maternity, paternity and multiple birth support for families. We know parents with multiples want to be spending time bonding with their babies, instead we’re seeing high rates of low mood and anxiety, not just in the immediate term post birth but often up to three years after.

“Parents with multiples feel less supported by the government than they did a decade ago. We urge the government to listen and learn from this report's recommendations and act swiftly to support these families, starting with a renewed approach to maternity leave and pay. There must also be greater financial support through an expansion of the Sure Start grant, as well as additional care support and personalised mental health support so families with multiples no longer feel isolated.”

You can read the full report here.

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