Released on: 05 August 2024

NCT was shocked and saddened by the events that took place in Southport last week.

Our deepest sympathies are with the families affected, and the local community that is still coming to terms with what took place.

Since the tragic incident, Islamophobia, xenophobia, racism and violence have flared across parts of the UK, spreading fear, division and disorder.

NCT’s mission to be the charity for every parent has no exceptions. We firmly stand against any racist, Islamophobic or xenophobic actions, attitudes and behaviours that seek to divide communities, or harm individuals.

We are a staunch ally of the diverse communities that we work with throughout the UK and will always show up for new and expectant parents who need our support.

We are committed to providing safe, inclusive and accessible spaces for the new and expectant parents we serve and the people working on behalf of NCT who support them.

NCT has been working hard to ensure we continue to support parents, staff, practitioners and volunteers in local communities across the country as pockets of disorder continue.

The support we provide always includes prioritising the safety and wellbeing of everyone who relies upon NCT services. We know how important community is at times like this, but we will not put anyone at risk or ask them to do something that makes them feel unsafe.

If you are planning to attend an NCT activity and have concerns about safety, please contact us for advice and support. You can call us on 0300 330 0700 (option 2 or 3) or email us at

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