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In response to NICE publishing an updated guideline on inducing labour, Elizabeth Duff, Senior Policy Advisor, NCT, said: 

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In response to today's Budget, Angela McConville, Chief Executive, NCT, said:

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In response to the MBRRACE-UK Perinatal Mortality Surveillance for Births in 2019 Report published today, Sarah McMullen, Director of Impact and Engagement, NCT, said:

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In response to new data from NHS England which shows that nearly 20% of the most critically ill Covid patients are pregnant women who have not been vaccinated, Sarah McMullen, Director of Impact and Engagement, NCT, said:

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In response to a Petitions Committee Report which calls on the Government to publish a dedicated covid-19 recovery strategy for new parents, Sarah McMullen, Director of Impact and Engagement, NCT, who gave evidence to the Committee, said:  

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In response to a new report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC), 'Safety, Equity and Engagement in Maternity Services', Angela McConville, Chief Executive, NCT, said: 

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A report published in MIDIRS Midwifery Digest this week demonstrates the value of breastfeeding support by video during Covid-19, through the evaluation of a service provided by NCT breastfeeding counsellors in Hampshire.

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In response to an updated guideline published by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) which focuses on women-centred care, Elizabeth Duff, Senior Policy Advisor, NCT, said:

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NCT, as part of the One Voice Partnership¹, has called on a county council to re-think plans to cut its public health budget.

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In response to new data showing a rise in hospital admissions for unvaccinated pregnant women, Sarah McMullen, Director of Impact and Engagement, NCT, said: