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In response to the ‘perfect storm’ for pregnant women of rising Covid-19 rates and the lifting of UK restrictions, Dr Sarah McMullen, Director of Impact and Engagement, NCT, said:

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In response to today’s MBRRACE-UK report, Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries across the UK, Sarah McMullen, Director of Impact and Engagement, NCT, said:

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NCT has submitted its response to National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) draft guidelines on induction of labour, which recommends that all women and birthing people should be offered induction at 41 weeks. 

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In response to the Health and Social Care Committee’s report on the safety of maternity services in England, Angela McConville, Chief Executive, NCT, said:  

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The Duchess of Cambridge launches The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood

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NCT’s Board of Trustees has elected a new Chair, Stephanie Maurel, Vice Chair, Sarah Brown, and Honorary Secretary, Ema Ojiako.

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With Father’s Day (20th June) and International Fathers’ Mental Health Day (21st June) approaching, NCT is calling for more recognition of new dads’ mental health issues.

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NCT contributes to the Government’s strategy to improve women's health and care. 

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NCT has hosted a panel of expert clinicians to answer questions about the Covid-19 vaccine during pregnancy or when breastfeeding.

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NCT has joined the ‘Shaping the Future with Volunteering’ coalition, launching today (Monday 7 June).