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Baby with teether

This article explores teething toys and other remedies available to help your (currently grumpy) baby through the seemingly endless period of teething.

People may tell you that a sure-fire way to know your baby is teething is when they start chewing on anything for some relief. But, in fact, there is no consistent sign that a tooth is on it’s way (Macknin et al, 2000).

Teething toys

Teethers may be able to relieve sore, sensitive gums (Memarpour et al, 2015; NHS, 2022).

The theory is that pushing gums down on a teether feels good for them because it provides counter-pressure to a rising tooth and massages the gums.

Plus, it’s a distraction for them and you know they’re gnawing on something safe, rather than your phone charger.

Teething toys come in many different shapes and sizes. Some are good for young babies to grip easily, such as a teething ring. Others are great for those molars, as they get right to the back of the mouth. Here is the lowdown so you can try something that suits your little one.

100% natural rubber teethers

Often these teethers come in animal or comedy ‘real food’ shapes, with plenty of lumps, bumps, loops and ridges to grip on and get those gums into. These appeal to parents as they are natural and often made with food grade or natural pigments. But they’re wipe-clean only so not suitable for the dishwasher or steriliser.

Silicone teethers

These teethers come in just as many varieties as the rubber teethers. The main difference is that silicone is man-made so these teethers can be put in the dishwasher or fridge. Look out for food grade or medical grade silicone.


These are the classic teethers. They can be solid or filled with sterilised water. Look out for those made free from BPA, PVC and phthalates, which might be harmful (Braun, 2011, 2013).

As there are many different plastics, check the packaging to find out whether you can cool or heat the one you buy (for soothing or cleaning).

Wooden teethers

These are a good alternative for those parents keen to cut down on plastic consumption. Usually wipe clean, make sure you get them from a reputable source so they don’t splinter.

Teething mitts

These are novel for younger babies who just won’t get those little hands out of their mouths. Made of fabric with plastic or silicone chews, these are available in a variety of colours and textures.

Plain old ‘normal’ toys

Often your baby’s toys have a corner or hanging piece that is intended for teething and tempts them to chew. You will probably accumulate these in your collection without even realising their purpose. Oh that’s what that is for.

A baby toothbrush

This can also be useful – even before those pegs need their first scrub. Just ensure the bristles aren’t splaying or coming loose in the mouth and don’t leave your baby unattended.

A spoon

Surprising as it sounds, it could do just the trick. Use one of your baby’s weaning spoons as these are designed for little gums and you can rest assured they’re safe.

A variety of different foods

While you’re in the kitchen, raw carrot sticks, cucumber, breadsticks or bread crusts for babies over six months are all worth trying (NHS, 2022). Just make sure you’re on watch to avoid them choking on the chunkier items.

"It's best to avoid rusks because nearly all brands contain some sugar. Avoid any foods that contain lots of sugar, as this can cause tooth decay, even if your child only has a few teeth (NHS, 2022)."

Your finger

Massaging around their gums for one to two minutes using a clean finger soothes their pain and distracts them (Memarpour et al, 2015). It can also help you figure out what’s going on in there.

Cool ideas

Chilled items can help soothe those fiery gums. Why not try a cold flannel – tie a knot in one end, wet it then pop it in the fridge. Hey presto, an instant chilly comforter.

Or try cold foods, such as a puree or yogurt straight from the fridge.

Putting a teether toy in the fridge can also be a brrrrrrrilliant idea.

A couple of warnings:

  • Never tie a teething ring around your baby's neck, it is a choking hazard.
  • Amber teething necklaces are not recommended because they are also a choking hazard (Memarpour et al, 2015; Soudek, 2017).
  • We’ve heard mums and dads recommend frozen bread, frozen peas in a mesh chewer or cloth, and frozen bananas. However, the NHS advises to never put a teething toy in the freezer as anything frozen could damage baby’s gums (NHS, 2022). With this in mind also be cautious with frozen foods.

Teething gel and other treatments

Of course, there are remedies to reach for if those teethers have been put through their paces (and shoved in their faces) and your baby needs more help.

Teething gel

If your baby is over two months old, you can rub sugar-free teething gel on their gums. They often include a mild local anaesthetic to numb pain, and antiseptic to prevent infection (Oral Health Foundation, no date). Talk to your GP or pharmacist before you use it on a younger baby.

There has been advice not to use Bonjela ulcer treatment, although teething gel is deemed safe (British Dental Association, 2009). So make sure you know the difference between the teething gel and ulcer treatment.

Homeopathic teething tablets, gels or powders

There's no good evidence to support the effectiveness of homeopathic teething gels. If you use a homeopathic gel, make sure it's licensed for use in the UK and follow the manufacturer’s dosage instructions. Some unlicensed homeopathic gels advertised online have been linked to serious side effects (NHS, 2022).

A list of homeopathic products that are licensed by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency can be found here.

Painkillers and fever

When teething is causing your baby pain, you could try a sugar-free painkiller for babies and young children. These contain a small dose of paracetamol or ibuprofen. Children under 16 years old should not have aspirin (NHS, 2022).

The research states that teething does not cause anything more than a very slight raise in temperature in babies (Macknin et al, 2000; Memarpour et al, 2015).  

Good old cuddles

Teething is new to your baby and might make them super grumpy. But it can also be pretty upsetting for you, because it’s probably the first time you’ve seen them in pain. As well as the solutions above, comfort can help too.

In fact, cuddle therapy is a proven help in soothing teething pain (Memarpour, 2015). So give them that extra dose of cuddles, and sing and talk to them in a soothing way. That way they’ll feel assured you’re right there with them to help them through the pain.

This page was last reviewed in July 2022.

Further information

Our support line offers practical and emotional support with feeding your baby: 0300 330 0700.

You might find attending one of our NCT New Baby groups helpful as they give you the opportunity to explore different approaches to important parenting issues with a qualified group leader and other new parents in your area.

Read more about fever in children from the NHS.

For more information on what other illnesses may be causing their fever, this article from NICE is very useful.

If you are concerned, contact your GP or call NHS 111 where you can access urgent medical help fast.

NCT has partnered with the British Red Cross to offer courses in baby first aid.

You can read more about teething in our range of articles.

Product specific information and teether care advice has all been taken from leading manufacturers websites.

Braun JM, Hauser R. (2011) Bisphenol A and children's health. Curr Opin Pediatr. 23(2):233-9. Available at:

Braun JM, Sathyanarayana S, Hauser R. (2013) Phthalate exposure and children's health. Curr Opin Pediatr. 25(2):247-54. Available at:

British Dental Association. (2009) Bonjela unsafe for under-16s. Brit Dental J. 206:453. Available at:

Macknin ML, Piedmonte M, Jacobs J, Skibinski C. (2000) Symptoms associated with infant teething: a prospective study. Pediatrics. 105(4 Pt 1):747-52. Available at:

Memarpour M, Soltanimehr E, Eskandarian T. (2015) Signs and symptoms associated with primary tooth eruption: a clinical trial of nonpharmacological remedies. BMC Oral Health. 15:88. Available at:

NHS. (2022) Tips for helping your teething baby. Available at:… [Accessed 22nd July 2022]

Oral Health Foundation. (no date) Dental care for mother and baby. Available at: [Accessed 23rd July 2022]

Soudek L. (2017) Fad over fatality? The hazards of amber teething necklaces. Paediatr Child Health. 22(Suppl 1):e38. Available at:

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