We have an open, fair and accessible compliments, complaints and comments policy and procedure designed to encourage prompt resolution at the earliest possible stage.

Mother with baby on phone

NCT is committed to providing the highest quality in the provision of information, support and services for new and expectant parents. We encourage an environment in which constructive compliments, complaints and comments are valued and contribute to the positive experience for everyone who engages with us and accesses our services. We are committed to making it an easy, fair and positive experience that treats people with dignity and respect.

Our process for sharing compliments, complaints and comments encompasses all NCT information, services, content and support, ranging from our antenatal and postnatal courses to our volunteer-led services. 

Please contact us to give us your compliment, let us know your complaint, or give us a comment. We would love to hear from you.

You can: 

  • give us a compliment if we get something right
  • make a complaint if you are dissatisfied with any of our services and you want us to put something right
  • make a comment if you have an idea, suggestion, question or observation that you’d like to let us know about

What is a compliment?

If you’d like to give us some positive feedback, we would love to hear from you. A compliment could be about one of the services we provide, or it may be about a person who has provided that service and it would be great to let them know.

Compliments also let us know when we are getting things right. When we receive a compliment from you our commitment will be to thank you but also to let you know how we have used your compliment, including external communications.  

What is a complaint?

We also want to hear from you if there is something that needs to change, improve or that we can do better. Complaints let us know if you are unhappy with us. Getting in touch to let us know, gives us the opportunity to put things right and make changes and improvements.

At NCT, we take complaints seriously and view each one as an opportunity to improve our services for parents of today and the future.  

What is a comment?

Comments help us to be innovative and creative about the way in which we deliver our information, support and services to parents. This can be a suggestion, idea or observation.

When we receive a comment from you, we will let you know how we have used your suggestion or idea to make improvements. You may just have a question or query, and we are here to help.

Contact us

To give us your compliment, let us know your complaint, or give us a comment, you can:

Our complaints procedure 

Informal resolution 

Before starting the process of making a formal complaint, please take the time to make contact and discuss your concerns with us. We welcome hearing from you. At this point we will confirm whether this is the right process to follow and try and resolve the issues raised before starting a formal process. We want the opportunity to put things right as soon as possible.

If the complaint relates to a matter which is covered by a different process or procedure within the NCT Complaints Framework (for example, the Problem-Solving Procedure or Grievance Procedure), we will facilitate the re-direction of your complaint to the appropriate NCT team.

Stage 1: Local resolution

The purpose of local resolution is to attempt to resolve as quickly as possible complaints that are straightforward and require little or no investigation. We aim to acknowledge these within 2 working days and resolve within 5 working days, where possible.

Any staff member receiving a complaint should aim to resolve it themselves or within the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome, or the complaint is of a serious nature, then it should be forwarded to our Complaints Officer at complaints@nct.org.uk to be actioned under our Stage 2 process.  

Stage 2: Formal complaints

Complaints raised at this stage may already have been considered at Stage 1 or may have been identified as requiring immediate escalation to Stage 2 of the process. The Complaints Officer is responsible for managing Stage 2 complaints which may occur when local resolution isn’t always possible or appropriate. This will include when the issues raised are complex and require detailed investigation.

The Complaints Officer will gather specific information from the complainant(s) to enable NCT to look into the concerns that have been raised. We aim to acknowledge complaints within 2 working days and communicate the next steps to the complainant within 7 working days. The resolution could be up to 28 days, possibly longer, depending on the complexity of the matter. However, we always aim to resolve complaints as quickly and as thoroughly as possible. 

Complaints where there is risk to the safety or wellbeing of a baby, child or adult will be escalated to safeguarding@nct.org.uk for the NCT Safeguarding Team.

Stage 3: Internal review

If at any time, you feel that the Complaints Procedure is, or has not been followed, or if there are concerns about the way your complaint has been managed, in the first instance please contact the Complaints Officer at complaints@nct.org.uk who will try to resolve your concern. If after this you are still dissatisfied, your concerns will be passed to the relevant Senior Manager. They will review your complaint and proposed outcome and will decide next steps. As far as possible, this will be communicated to you within 28 days.

If at any point, there is a reason that we will not be able to meet the timescales outlined above, we will communicate this to you and inform you as to when you should expect a resolution.  

NCT is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion and we do not tolerate any form of discrimination. Complaints and allegations of this nature are always taken very seriously and thoroughly investigated.    

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