Our antenatal classes and postnatal courses provide vital knowledge, skills and support to new parents. We want all parents to access and benefit from our courses, so we offer discounts on the course price.

Discounts and eligibility criteria

Please note:

  • Only one discount can be applied per booking, but we are happy to help you determine which is most advantageous for you.
  • We can only offer discounts for the reasons listed below.
  • No discounts can be applied once a course has started.
  • It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide the evidence needed to prove entitlement.
  • Entitlement to a household income discount is based on your actual income from the last 3 months.  However,  we can base it on current circumstances as long as you are able to provide evidence of the change.   
  • If insufficient proof is provided, we are unable to offer a discount. 
Household income related discount

We offer discounts based on your total yearly gross household income. The gross income is the income you get before any taxes and deduction have been taken out. 

For couples, the total household income is the combined income of you and your partner/co-parent. This does not include other people in your household, such as housemates or your parents.  

The household income related discount is available on:

  • NCT Antenatal courses
  • NCT Antenatal refresher courses
  • NCT New Baby courses

The discounts available based on your total yearly gross household income are: 

  • 20% discount if between £30,001 - £35,000  
  • 40% discount if between £25,001 - £30,000 
  • 60% discount if between £20,001 - £25,000 
  • 80% discount if under £20,000 

You’ll be asked to provide proof of eligibility: 

  • Employed – last 3 months' pay slips or P60 
  • Self-employed – last self-assessment tax calculations (SA302s) and a tax overview (available via HMRC website), or if a sole trader, a copy of the last profit and loss accounts. 
  • On benefits – a photo of your 'proof of benefit' letter which can be obtained from the Department of Work and Pensions by calling 0800 169 0310
  • Not working or receiving no income – copies of the last three months’ bank statements to show no regular income received (censor information you don’t want us to see). Please note we are only able to accept bank accounts statements as proof of income if it is clear they are from your primary bank account and show deductions for council tax, utility bills, groceries and other usual expenses. We are not able to accept secondary or other savings accounts as proof of income.

If you require further information about eligibility criteria or evidence required to obtain a discount, please contact our Bookings Support Team via email (booking.support@nct.org.uk), by phone 0300 330 0700 option 2, or via webchat at nct.org.uk (available Mon-Fri 9am-5pm). 

NCT Member, Family and Friends discount

As an NCT member, you can save a fantastic 15% on selected NCT postnatal courses, and share this special discount with your friends and family too! 

The Member, Family and Friends discount is available on:

  • NCT New Baby courses
  • NCT Introducing Solid Foods workshops
  • Online NCT Antenatal refresher courses

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