Parent social
As parents it's natural to spend a lot of time thinking about your baby but it's also okay to want some 'me time'. Parents socials are a chance to meet local parents where the focus is more on you.
Adult (Free)
A new group running every 6 weeks in Crowthorne at The Hive, near the station. This group invites expectant parents to meet and socialise before babies are born, helping to build a local support network with like-minded local people. There will always be a member of the local NCT branch present so you can find out what groups and events are run locally, for you to join once baby arrives. We hope to also have guest speakers to bring you even more information and support.
FREE to join!! You can turn up on the night, but if you know you are planning to attend, it is really helpful if you register online, so our volunteers know who / how many people to expect.
The Crowthorne and Sandhurst NCT is a self-funded branch of the National Childbirth Trust, run entirely by local volunteers who provide their time to give valuable support for new parents and parents-to-be. Any donations are welcomed and we are always looking for new volunteers to help run the branch.
As parents it's natural to spend a lot of time thinking about your baby but it's also okay to want some 'me time'. Parents socials are a chance to meet local parents where the focus is more on you.