Walk & Talk
Hosted by our fantastic volunteers, Walk & Talk groups meet outside and are a great way to enjoy some fresh air while meeting other local parents in your area.
Ticket (Free)
Our walk today is at Delamere Forest at 1.30pm. Come and join us for a walk (around 45 minutes and pram friendly), enjoy some fresh air and exercise as well as meeting other new parents. Cafe trip after. Book so we know to expect you and don't leave without you! Walk leaders will be in green NCT bibs so you'll easily spot them. Speak to the walk leader for a code for reduced parking- only 3 between 12 and 4 on a Wed
Any problems email us on coordinator.midcheshire@nct.org.uk or message the branch page on facebook https://www.facebook.com/nctmidcheshire.
Hosted by our fantastic volunteers, Walk & Talk groups meet outside and are a great way to enjoy some fresh air while meeting other local parents in your area.