We know that pregnancy and parenting is a time of great change and can be overwhelming. There is a lot of advice available, but it can be difficult to find information you can trust. 

NCT's aim to give every parent access to free, evidence-informed information about pregnancy, birth, infant feeding and early parenthood. It addresses common concerns and challenges faced by parents and carers during these crucial stages.​ We want to help you feel confident, informed and supported. 

We work hard to make sure the information is useful for you. 


  • We base our information on questions we know parents are asking - both online and in our courses and workshops 
  • We ask users to give feedback on every page 

Easy to read​ 

  • We write in plain English, avoid jargon and use short chunks of text to make it accessible to the widest range of people. 

Informed by current evidence​ 

  • A team of subject matter experts review every page. They might be NCT practitioners (antenatal teachers, postnatal leaders and breastfeeding counsellors), academics or representatives from other relevant organisations and charities. 
  • We draw on the latest clinical evidence. This includes national guidelines, systematic reviews, published clinical trials data, expert reviews and government publications. We use a standard hierarchy of evidence to guide the evidence we select and use. This is complemented by expert sources within the perinatal field. 
  • You can opt to see the sources we draw from on every page - click to “Show References”. Where there is not an evidence base to draw from, for example information about items to consider packing in a hospital bag, the subject matter experts draw on their professional expertise and the experiences of the millions of parents NCT has supported. 
  • We never promote commercial products or services, so you can rely on the independence of our information.​ 
  • We aim to review our content every 3 years. Every article shows when it was last reviewed and next due for review. Note due to staff changes during the Covid pandemic there are currently a few articles on our site that were last reviewed longer ago than the intended three year period. We are working hard to rectify this as soon as possible.

Helping parents make their own informed decisions​ 

  • We provide evidence-informed information and support so parents can make decisions based on their individual circumstances, needs and values​. 

Inclusive of all parents ​ 

  • We aim for any new or expectant parent, in any circumstance, from any background to be able to read our Pregnancy and Parenting Information and find it relevant and inclusive. 

Feedback from you 

We are currently reviewing all our Pregnancy and Parenting Information pages and making improvements. For example, we know currently some of our information makes assumptions about who is looking at it and we are working through a process to assess and improve this. All feedback about any aspect of the information is greatly appreciated and will be used to inform changes. Additionally if there are topics not covered that you would like us to provide information about, please let us know. Email enquiries@nct.org.uk or leave a comment at the bottom of a specific page. 

Statement of responsibility 

NCT works hard to ensure the information on this website is accurate at the time of publication, unbiased and useful to parents. However it should not be considered medical guidance or professional advice. NCT is not responsible for errors or omission in the information provided or any actions resulting from the user of the information. If you have any concerns about your or your baby’s health, you should always speak to a healthcare professional.