Common health problems faced by babies and children under 2. Information about how parents can best support them. Baby and toddler health articles Show All Showing 23 articles First aid: what to do if a baby is choking Baby immunisations and vaccinations Caring for a child with diarrhoea and vomiting Constipation in babies: Q&A Coughs, colds, sore throats and ear infections in babies Dehydration in children: what to watch for Developmental hip dysplasia in babies (DDH) Diarrhoea and vomiting in babies First aid: what to do if your child is unresponsive and not breathing Hot weather with a newborn: survival guide How to treat children’s burns and scalds Liver disease in babies: the signs to look out for Meningitis in babies and children Neonatal and infant death in the UK Postnatal care: checks for babies Septicaemia – what to look out for The split bilirubin blood test What happens at your 6-week check-up What is baby reflux? Symptoms and support What is flat head syndrome (plagiocephaly or brachycephaly)? What newborn jaundice is and what to look out for What to do if your child has a high temperature or fever When to call the doctor about your baby