Find out about common discomforts and the important changes that might be happening to the body in pregnancy. The body in pregnancy articles Show All Showing 47 articles 10 truths: leaking urine in pregnancy and after birth Am I having a miscarriage? Am I pregnant? Early signs and symptoms Antenatal screening in pregnancy Baby movements in the womb before birth Back pain in pregnancy Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine if I’m pregnant? Carpal tunnel syndrome in pregnancy Constipation in pregnancy, haemorrhoids and anal fissures Coping with illness during pregnancy Deciding about antenatal screening and testing Down's syndrome, Edwards' syndrome and Patau's syndrome testing: what you need to know in pregnancy Eating in pregnancy and after birth Excessive saliva in pregnancy Flu and pregnancy Genital herpes and pregnancy: your questions answered Group B Streptococcus: what you need to know in pregnancy Health professionals you might see during your pregnancy Heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux in pregnancy Hormones in pregnancy and labour Hot weather and high body temperature during pregnancy How to prevent constipation in pregnancy How to spot maternal sepsis Hyperemesis gravidarum or extreme morning sickness Infections during pregnancy Is it normal to have headaches, spotting or cramps in pregnancy? Is it safe to exercise during pregnancy? Itchy skin in pregnancy and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) Leg cramps during pregnancy: how to avoid them Morning sickness and pregnancy nausea Mucus plug – what is it and what does it look like? Nosebleeds during pregnancy Pelvic floor and stomach exercises in pregnancy Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) is common in pregnancy Placenta praevia – low-lying placenta Pre-eclampsia: your questions answered Pregnancy and birth over 35 Pregnancy blood and screening tests – are they necessary? Pregnancy maternity notes: understanding them Pyelonephritis: kidney infection in pregnancy Rhesus negative blood and pregnancy: what you need to know Septicaemia – what to look out for Vaginal discharge during pregnancy: your questions answered Varicose veins in pregnancy: what you need to know What is CMV or cytomegalovirus? What is the 12-week scan for? Zika virus in pregnancy