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Parenting app

We asked NCT parents what apps have made their life easier. Here are their top picks.

In today’s digital world, you can pretty much find an app for anything. But are they actually any good? To help you navigate the 100s of parenting apps out there, here are four that NCT parents have recommended…

1. Lifecake app

This free app for iPhone, Android or iPad helps you create a safe and secure digital timeline of your child’s life.

You can pull photos from different sources – mobile, computer or social media – and the app records everything by date so you have a virtual record of your baby’s special moments.

One NCT mum told us: “I have this app and it’s amazing. I’ve pulled in photos of my kids from my phone, Facebook, laptop and they’re all now nicely ordered within Lifecake and tell you exactly how old they were when the pic was taken. It’s ace!”

Get the Lifecake app

2. Baby Connect app

The app helps you keep track of daily information about your child including feeds, nappy changes, sleep, mood, activities and medical history.

One of the key features is that it allows parents to exchange information in real time with their partner, babysitter, nanny or other childcare provider.

Get the Baby Connect app

3. Mush app

Mush is a free app designed to make parenting more fun and less isolating by showing you all the mums living nearby who are in the same boat, with kids the same age and shared interests.

Think of it like a dating app for mums! It also includes listings and Q&As from other mums so that you’re in the know about activities nearby, as well as being able to ask mums for advice.

One mum said: “It transformed my maternity leave; I found a brilliant network of mums nearby with kids the same age; it was so much more fun hanging out together.”

You can download Mush for free here

4. Sprout Pregnancy and Sprout Baby apps

The Sprout Pregnancy and Baby apps guide parents through pregnancy and parenthood.

They cover changes and developments during pregnancy for mum and baby; and help parents monitor feeds, sleep and nappy changes during the early months. It also includes a medical profile of your child including GP appointments, plus a memories section that lets you capture special moments.

Claire, an NCT mum, says: “I found this app amazing when I was a new mum. I had lots going on so it helped me remember all the things I needed to do.”

Get the Sprout Pregnancy and Sprout Baby apps

Further information

Our support line offers practical and emotional support with feeding your baby and general enquiries for parents, members and volunteers: 0300 330 0700.

You might find attending one of our NCT New Baby courses helpful as they give you the opportunity to explore different approaches to important parenting issues with a qualified group leader and other new parents in your area.

Make friends with other parents-to-be and new parents in your local area for support and friendship by seeing what NCT activities are happening nearby.

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