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Fitness with a baby

We all know that keeping healthy and fit is really important, but how do you do it when you have a baby and it's hard to get to the gym? Here are some tips...

Use apps

The good news is that in this day and age, you're well covered for accessing stuff via the touch of a button. There are myriad apps available to help you exercise like you did pre-baby. It may be a habit you keep up long after your baby grows up, in fact.

Running or cycling

If you have a partner who works from home, make the most of their presence when your baby’s napping and head out for a solo run or a bike ride. The fresh air will feel incredible when you’ve been trapped inside. 

Walks with your baby

Bundle your baby up in the pram, pull your trainers on and get a brisk walk around the block in. 

Online classes

YouTube has a plethora of options so whether you’re a yoga bunny, love your pilates or want a hardcore aerobic session, you'll find an option that suits. You could include your little one(s) or wait until they sleep and log on for an adult session instead.

Housework and gardening

A bit of weeding or a vacuum of the stairs will get you moving, achieve some mindfulness and tick something off the to-do list. If you have a FitBit, keep track of what you do too for extra motivation.

Take a hike

Find your nearest big hill, put the baby in a rucksack or sling, get your walking shoes on and clear your head in the most effective way there is, by getting your body moving.

Home gyms

That exercise bike that’s been left untouched in the loft for years? Now’s probably the time to dig it out. If not, use what else you have: tins in the cupboard would be perfect as handheld weights (and baby meals from the cupboard). And if you’re serious about getting fit indoors, you can pick up some new equipment like skipping ropes and yoga mats pretty cheaply and have it delivered to the door too.

Further information

Our support line offers practical and emotional support with feeding your baby and general enquiries for parents, members and volunteers: 0300 330 0700.

Interactive, engaging and social, our antenatal course is a great way for you to meet other local parents, and get essential unbiased information and knowledge about pregnancy, birth and early days with your baby.

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