NCT Baby Café
Where? We run term time at Alton Maltings, Maltings Close, GU34 1DT
When? Tuesdays 10am - 11:30am (term time only - contact us if during holidays as sometimes we can run.)
Who? All parents and parents to be will find a safe social space at the group to meet and create their own support network. The group is run by breastfeeding peer supporters who will welcome you and are on hand for you to talk through any breastfeeding issues you want to explore. Our lovely breastfeeding counsellor, Polly, on hand to discuss any more in depth issues or answer any questions you may have.The group is suitable for babies up to 12 months old.
How? Just turn up, we'd love to welcome you to our group. Voluntary donations appreciated.
In the mean time do you need feeding support? The NCT feeding line is open and you can speak to a Breastfeeding Counsellor by calling: 0300 330 0700 (option 1) or get in touch by emailing and we can put you in touch with our local Breastfeeding Counsellor.