You do not have to be a member to access any of these services, but by joining you are helping to support the work of the NCT.

Eastleigh & District NCT Breastfeeding Counsellors

If you have any questions about feeding your baby and would like support or help, call 07711181608 to make an appointment with one of our NCT Breastfeeding Counsellors. Our Counsellors are available to support you in person, virtually and on the phone. 

In person sessions:

- Monday mornings at Chandlers Ford Library we offer 1-2-1 support

- Friday afternoons at Places Leisure as part of our Bumps & Babies session

Please do book to attend these session via our Events on our main Eastleigh page to ensure you can be accommodated.

NCT Infant Feeding Line

The NCT Infant Feeding Line is available to all on 0300 33 00 700 (option 1). The line is open 8am to midnight, seven days a week (including Bank Holidays).

Breastfeeding is a new skill to learn and we all need help and support in learning new things. If you are finding it painful or if you have any questions at all about breastfeeding help, stopping breastfeeding, expressing milk or any infant feeding related matter, do give us a call. Counsellors love to hear from new mums and new mums tell us just how much they appreciate the support counsellors give.

Find out more about:


Personal Bra Fitting Service

Wearing a comfortable bra, designed for feeding, makes it easier for you to feed as often as your baby needs and will help you to breastfeed in a comfortable and practical way. The NCT has over 100 trained and experienced volunteer bra fitters who offer a FREE personal fitting service so you can be sure your bra is right for you. Contact Debbie on 07889 059833

NCT Information Centre

You will find a wide range of topics covering pregnancy, labour/birth and many aspects of parenthood at the NCT website. The NCT publishes a wide range of articles about feeding your baby, such as:

These are just examples of some of the information articles you will find on our website. Please see the Feeding section of the NCT website for more articles, which we hope you will find helpful.

Courses & workshops

In-person NCT Antenatal course

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NCT Antenatal refresher course

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NCT Membership
Support NCT Charity by becoming a member