Our friendly and welcoming baby and toddler groups are open to all, you don't need to be an NCT member or to have attended antenatal classes. Dads can (and do) come along as well as mums!
Our groups are free to attend but we do ask for a small voluntary donation towards running costs.
Nature Tots - alternate weeks, Letchworth (Norton Common), 10.30am to 11.30am
Join us for an hour of outdoor fun and adventure at our fortnightly Nature Tots at Norton Common.
This group is hosted by our enthusiastic and energetic host Glyn. Each session will start with a warming sing along and will then be followed by a nature activity on a particular theme. The host brings activities to keep the children occupied, which usually include some physical games and craft making, then following a trail in the woods.
The group is aimed at children aged 18 months to 5 years but obviously younger siblings are very welcome! We will meet come rain or shine so please dress your little one and yourself in appropriate clothing for the weather.
Please remember that as with all our groups, you will be responsible for looking after your child at all times during the playgroup.
NCT Baby Cafe Letchworth - 1st and 3rd of the month, Letchworth (Mrs Howard Memorial Hall) 11am to 12.15pm
Our Letchworth Baby Cafe includes feeding and postnatal support from our qualified breastfeeding counsellor. This group is aimed at parents with little ones aged 0-12 months, for socialising and to benefit from infant feeding and post-natal support. Refreshments will be served. Everyone is welcome, you don't need to be an NCT member.
NCT Baby Cafe Hitchin - 2nd and 4th of the month, Hitchin (Mama Baby Play, Sun Street) 11am to 12.15pm
Amy, our breastfeeding counsellor is on hand to offer support and information for all things feeding and postnatal, including checking position, supply or moving from breastfeeding to solids. It's also a great opportunity to meet other parents and share stories. Dads and other supporters are always welcome. The service is available to everyone, you do not need to be an NCT member.