Baby Bundles are available to mums to be, and families of newborns in need. The bundles are free of charge. Please contact us if you would like a bundle, or if you have items to donate.
What are Baby Bundles?
Baby bundles are available free of charge to mums to be, and families of newborns in need. The bundles include a range of items useful in the first few weeks after giving birth, as well as baby clothes, toys, books, and information about NCT groups and activities. We also try and include a few treats for mothers to support them at this precious time.
How can I get a Baby Bundle?
If you or someone you know would find a bundle useful they are available from the Sunshine Centre in Malvern or please email for more details -
Where can I donate items for Baby Bundles?
If you would like to donate items to the baby bundles scheme they can be dropped off at Baby Latte, or email to arrange collection.
We are looking for newborn nappies, breast pads, maternity pads, toys and books in excellent quality, toiletries, and first size and 0-3 month clothes in new or excellent secondhand condition.
All donations will be gratefully received as we rely on branch funds and the generosity of those that contribute.