Packs of essential items for families dealing with challenging circumstances such as unemployment, financial pressures, homelessness, domestic violence, refugee status, mental or physical health issues, and other welfare issues.

NCT Baby Bundles are run by NCT volunteers throughout the UK.

Baby Bundle inclusions

Volunteers collect, sort, clean, package up and distribute pre-loved clothes and equipment including:

  • pushchairs
  • baby baths
  • changing mats
  • bags

Some items are purchased new, for example:

  • toiletries
  • nappies
  • wipes
  • maternity/sanitary pads
  • breast pads
  • toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • underwear
  • newborn vests
  • Moses cot mattresses – a significant expense that is necessary due to safe sleep guidance.

Donations are in excellent condition, and we include baby books or small toys, as well as clothes or gifts for older siblings.

Our Bundles are sometimes the difference between a child having an essential item and not.

Volunteer, Vale of Evesham

Delivery of Baby Bundles

We work with referral partners to deliver personalised bundles that feel like a gift, reducing the stigma associated with ‘handouts’ and ‘hand-me-downs’.  The referral process enables families to specify what they need, and we use social media to source specific items like a double buggy.

Alongside the core Baby Bundles service, some areas also prepare:

  • ‘essentials’ bags to distribute to hospitals and other organisations (e.g. women’s refuges) - providing immediate assistance to women who come in to deliver, or have recently given birth, and, for whatever reason, do not have the essentials they need.
  • ‘grab bags’ of items available at community ‘baby group’ drop-ins - providing a further opportunity for new parents who may be struggling to afford essentials to access items such as baby clothes, nappies, wipes etc.

The donations are life changing to our new mothers, who often come with just the clothes on their backs (and a few baby bits).

Refuge Support Worker, West Sussex

Want to know more?

If you would like to learn more about NCT Baby Bundles, please do get in touch at