Our branch, like many, is run by a small group of volunteers. We'd love for you to join us, in a committee role, or simply helping out on the day of an event. Fancy meeting lots of local parents and helping the local community? This is the way. Would you like a new challenge that fits in with your life? To gain new experience? Two of our volunteers developed skills with the branch that have enabled them to step into new roles.
Current opportunities
Would you like to Volunteer with us? Can you help for an hour a week or an hour a month?
WE ARE RECRUITING NEW PEOPLE.... are you able to offer us some time to help make a difference? You can help at home, help with a baby, or without! We’re looking for event planners; branch coordinators; magazine article writers; fundraisers; publicity helpers; general volunteers and administration support. Please email us at newham@nct.org.uk if you're interested.
Event Planners
Helps plan our events and parties, Mini-rave, picnics, Big Push, Cheeky Monkeys Tea Party. 2 hrs/week leading up to the event and on the day
First Aid Course Coordinator
Manage the planning of our First Aid courses for local parents run every 2 months (Saturday). Liaising with First Aid provider and venue, emailing attendees & managing bookings software. 1 hr/week plus attending the course day (3 hrs/Saturday babies welcome)
Branch Coordinators
Sets and chairs the committee meetings. Main link with Newham partner organisations, Regional Officers and NCT HQ. Advocate for NCT locally and oversees Branch plans and activities. Ask for separate role description. 2 hrs+/week
E-Mag Editorial Team
Help source and edit content, write articles and develop themes for our community quarterly newsletter. Design opportunities available. Ad hoc
Social Media Team
Maintain and update our accounts across all major social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook. 5-10mins daily
Nearly New Sale Team
The NNS Team make sales run smoothly, organising sellers, stock and promoting the sale to local parents. 2hrs/week in the run up (planning team)/ a few hours on the day (helpers)
Fundraisers/Grant Writers
Help prepare, submit, and manage grant proposals to local and national bodies to further our impact in the borough and fund our peer support training. Ad hoc
Communicates to volunteers through email. Sets agenda and takes minutes for monthly evening committee meeting. Supports branch coordinator. 1hr week + monthly meeting (evening/babies welcome)
Breastfeeding peer supporter coordinator
Coordinates our cohorts of breastfeeding peer supporters to various feeding drop-ins around the borough. Supports branch coordinator. 1hr week online/WhatsApp/phone
Publicity Officer
Helps with all branch promotion including flyers, social media, email mailouts, publicity, seeking local support etc. Ad hoc
General Event Volunteer
Helping at events on the day. Roles: registration table, in the cafe, at the craft table, handing out balloons, setting up/cleaning down. Representing NCT at local events. A few hours on the day
Branch support and training available for all roles. Most roles can be job shared and time commitment is flexible. Most of our roles are home-based and can be completed with a baby or toddler nearby. Our committee meetings are every 5 weeks and we take turns hosting. We’re always happy to lift share so let us know if you want to come along. Email for more information with no obligation.
Email us: newham@nct.org.uk