Breastfeeding Support
National Breastfeeding Telephone Helplines:
- NCT : 0300 330 0700 Option 1 (Every day, 8am to Midnight, including bank holidays)
- The Breastfeeding Network: 0300 100 0210 (9.30am-9.30pm every day)
- Association of Breastfeeding Mothers: 08444 122949 (9.30am-10.30pm)
- La Leche League Great Britain: 0845 120 2918
- Government helpline manned by The Breastfeeding Network and Association of Breastfeeding Mothers: 0300 100 0212
Drop-In Breastfeeding Clinics and Support Groups:
*New* NCT Sutton, Epsom & District branch - Breastfeeding Support Online Drop-in.
The group will run every Friday morning 10am-12noon whilst the in-person drop-ins are closed. Join any time between 10 - 12! To join, please email for the zoom login details
In addition to the venues listed below, baby cafés provide breastfeeding support and help. See, for details of baby cafés throughout the UK. There are currently local cafés in Caterham, Croydon, Horley, Kingston-upon-Thames, Oxted, Redhill, Richmond, Thornton Heath and Surbiton. See also and click on "Find Support Nearby" to search for a support group near you. As the support groups and clinics can sometimes change, it might be a good idea to ring to check that they will be running if you are planning to attend.
- Monday: 9.30am - 11.30am. Thomas Wall Children's Centre, 69 Western Road, Sutton SM1 2SX. Tel: 0208 770 5875.
- Wednesday: 1.00pm-3.00pm. Dorking Rural Children’s Centre with Playlink, Goodwyns Road, Dorking, RH4 2LR, Surrey. Tel: 01306 740095.
- Thursday: 10.00am-12noon. St Helier Hospital’s drop-in clinic is held at Tweeddale Children’s Centre, Tweeddale Road, Carshalton SM5 1SW (the road is opposite St Helier Hospital - free parking in Sutton Arena, opposite the centre). No appointment needed. Tel: 0208 404 1640.
- Thursday: 12.45pm-3.00pm. Ante-natal breastfeeding drop-in session for parents-to-be booked in at Epsom or St Helier wanting breastfeeding information. Tweeddale Children’s Centre, Tweeddale Road, Carshalton SM5 1SW. Appointment required. Tel: 0208 404 5801.
- Friday: 10.00am-12noon. Mayday Hospital, London Road, Croydon (in the ante-natal clinic). No appointment needed.
Useful Websites:
- The Breastfeeding Network has useful leaflets available online with information about thrush, mastitis, alcohol and breastfeeding, drugs and breastfeeding, moist wound healing, colic and other issues. For information about the compatibility of medicines with breastfeeding, call The Breastfeeding Network Drugline on 0844 412 4665 (please be prepared to leave a message and your telephone number). Administration line: 0844 412 0995. Supporterline in Bengali/Sylheti: 0300 456 2421 (9.30am-9.30pm 7 days a week).
- National Childbirth Trust: - Breastfeeding helpline: 0300 330 0700 (8am-midnight every day). Enquiry line: 0300 330 0770.
- A very useful website with evidence-based information on a range of breastfeeding matters.
- UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative, for information on breastfeeding, expressing, co-sleeping etc. –
- NHS Website: Government breastfeeding helpline: 0300 100 0212 (manned by The Breastfeeding Network and Association of Breastfeeding Mothers).
- The Association of Breastfeeding Mothers provides information as well as telephone and internet support for breastfeeding mums. Breastfeeding Helpline: 08444 122949 (9.30am-10.30pm). Enquiries: 08444 122948 (part time).
- La Leche League Great Britain, Aims to help mothers to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information and education. Good information on breastfeeding older babies. Breastfeeding Helpline: 0845 120 2918. or information on alcohol and breastfeeding: For a really good downloadable handout on starting breastfeeding, see
- Lactation Consultants of Great Britain give help and support with breastfeeding. Also has information about tongue-tie. LCs in private practice charge for their services.
- Express Yourself Mums, a useful site and resource centre:
- Doula UK: - A Doula believes in "mothering the mother" and offers emotional and practical support before, during and after childbirth including help with breastfeeding.
- The Australian Breastfeeding Association has lovely photos showing a baby attaching him/herself to the breast. Well worth reading.
- The Story of a Breastfeed (Baby Davy). Photos and commentary showing positioning and typical baby behaviour during a breastfeed.
- For researched information about bed-sharing:
- For dads: Fatherhoodinstitute, Also see
- Working Families is a campaigning charity which supports and gives a voice to working parents and carers: includes information about breastfeeding and work. Other websites concerning breastfeeding and returning to work:- ,
- For links to web sites offering information on a wide range of issues relating to breastfeeding: