Winchester & District NCT is here to support all expectant and new parents whether you're a member or not.
Support and friendship from other parents
This is one of the most vital and thriving aspects of the NCT’s work. Many new parents are looking to meet or make new friends with babies and children of a similar age and find that the companionship of other parents is invaluable. These events are open to all - whether you are an NCT member or not, or have done an NCT antenatal course or not.
Bumps & Babies coffee mornings
One of our most popular events for young babies is our weekly coffee morning held at the Arc in the Performance Hall. Come and join us for coffee, cake and a chat while your baby(s) interact with others. We provide soft play mats and a range of toys for the babies to play with; suitable up to roughly 9 months, or pre-walkers.
This event is free of charge to attend, although a donation of £2 is welcome to help cover the cost of room hire. Coffee and cake can be bought at the Arc cafe ang brough through to the room with you.
This event takes place every Monday 10.30-12pm.
Walk & Talks
Our Walk & Talks are currently paused over the winter, but will be back up and running in the Spring. Keep an eye on our social channels for the latest and if you'd be interested in hosting a Walk please email
Our walk and Talks are a wonderful way to get some fresh air while meeting other local parents/ carers. Meeting outside the Cathedral Cafe, our usual route is down to the Handlebar cafe and back to the Cathedral, but if it's raining we'll just meet for coffee and a chat at the Cathedral cafe instead. This is not strenuous and suitable for buggies as well as babies in carriers. Feel free to stop and feed as you need to on the way, we can always pick you back up on our return journey.
Our host volunteer Lucy says:
"Parents come to the Walk & Talk because they enjoy a break outside, which can lift their mood. It's good to talk to other parents who are going through the same thing and also helpful to talk to parents of older babies to ask about what comes next."
Nappy Natter
On the second Thursday of the month our nappy library volunteers meet at The Salvation Army on Parchment Street to help with troubleshooting or answer any questions you may have about using cloth nappies. We’re also on hand to demonstrate how to use our kits and allow you to see what is available to hire.
If you already use cloth nappies and you just want to come along for the chat, we’d love to see you too. Toys are available for little ones and drinks are available for parents/carers.
Keep an eye on the event finder and our social media for the next date.
If you're finding the daily grind of parenthood a little bit - dare we say it - samey, and want to do something that exercises your brain, or revives a workplace skill, then why not volunteer? You can spend as much or as little time as you want, and there are always lots of opportunities. See our Volunteers page for more information or contact