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Where to go, what to do and what can you eat or drink? Here are our tips on how to do date-night, pregnancy-style…

Eat out but think ahead

Have a look at what might work for all the food pregnancy dos and don'ts beforehand. It’s probably not the right time for a sushi bar and we’d avoid somewhere that specialises in rare steak too (NHS, 2020). See our article about eating out when you’re pregnant for more tips.

But do go to that fancy restaurant. The kind you won’t want to go to once you have a child with you who might poo/cry/wake up just as you’re tucking into your seared tuna. Go, go, go.

If you're tempted to drink alcohol you could check out our article on alcohol in pregnancy.

Alternatively, non-alcoholic wine contains fewer calories and you’re unlikely to get dehydrated drinking it.

Dodge plays or films that start late

Especially in the first and last trimesters when you’re likely to be exhausted and willing it to be over, no matter how great the performance is.

And if you do go, book the posh seats. If anyone deserves a comfy seat (and cheesy nachos and pick’n’mix) it’s you.

Go for an aisle seat though: it’s likely that you and the toilet are very close friends at the moment.

Day is the new night

See above about exhaustion: you might have far better chats and catch-ups with your partner if you’re not daydreaming about your pregnancy pillow. 

A day date could be just the ticket. Think brunch, a couple’s massage or perhaps something even active. A swim at the local pool together or a a lovely walk along a river could be a nice call.

Keeping active during pregnancy – as long as you don’t have any alternate advice from doctors – is a good thing. 

Check your wardrobe before you splash out on maternity clothes 

Often you’ll find you have some items, like loose shirt dresses, that will work even in the late stages of pregnancy so you don’t have to spend cash on stuff you’ll only wear for a few months. You can also check NCT Nearly New Sales if you don’t want to spend too much on maternity clothes. Check out our other tips for pregnancy fashion here.

Going away can be lovely...

You could go on an overnight stay. What could be better than a bed to crash in after your meal at a fancy hotel restaurant? Plus, it is a lovely pre-baby indulgence too. Shop around for the best deals.

...and so can staying-in

If you’re really uncomfortable and the idea of a restaurant chair makes you squirm, why not order a takeaway or cook a fancy dinner? You could light some candles, turn your phones off and go for it at home instead. Hell, you can even sit on your pregnancy ball all evening if you like; now that’s a date.

Have sex if you fancy it

Sex during pregnancy – unless you’ve been advised against it for medical reasons – is absolutely fine (NICE, 2019; NHS, 2018). So if your date night gets you feeling frisky, go with it.

Whatever you do, enjoy yourselves

Lately, it might feel like you spend all your time together thinking and planning for baby. (How much time have you spent researching car seats?) So the chance to hang out together - and making the effort to talk about how you're both doing - can be lovely.

Sometimes making a bit of effort is worth it. More than likely, you’ll be happy you’ve had that time to hang out with your partner.

This page was last reviewed in March 2021.

Further information

Our support line offers practical and emotional support with feeding your baby and general enquiries for parents, members and volunteers: 0300 330 0700.

We also offer antenatal courses which are a great way to find out more about birth, labour and life with a new child.

NHS. (2018) Sex in pregnancy. Available at: (Accessed 28th November 2018).

NHS (2020) Foods to avoid in pregnancy. Available at: 

NICE. (2019) Antenatal care for uncomplicated pregnancies. Available at: (Accessed 28th November 2018).

Liguori, L., Albanese, D., Crescitelli, A. et al. (2019). Impact of dealcoholization on quality properties in white wine at various alcohol content levels. J Food Sci Technol 56, 3707–3720 

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