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Anna Barter

When just pregnant first-time round, a friend told to me to book on to NCT classes and we did and some of that group are still meeting up 30+ years later.

My first child was six months old and someone asked me about volunteering for NCT – there were lots of vacancies on the branch team, protesting I knew very little about NCT, I was told she would help me – so I began as Postnatal Support Coordinator and loved it! 

Now I try to help the branches in South Central when needed, get to know the branch teams and offer training.

There are many reasons I love volunteering for NCT. Friends, the fun, the chance to ignore housework and get out of the house, the opportunity to give back to a community, which had helped me when motherhood was new, and I lived in an area with no family or friends with babies near. 

"I want to be a part of the charity AND I want the NCT to be there for my children should they decide to become parents."

Further information

Get in touch with your local branch to find out what volunteering opportunities are available or simply have a chat to find out more.

Many of our NCT branches are running online groups and activities for parents. Visit our local activities and meet-ups page and enter your postcode to search for your local NCT group. You can then contact your closest branch to see what's happening in your area.

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Anna Barter

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