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Week 23

Support and information from NCT

NCT offers reliable support and information about the various stages of pregnancy, week by week.

Your developing baby

You are now 23 weeks pregnant and your baby’s swallowing reflex is maturing. They may even hiccup! 

Their lungs are also maturing but not fully functioning quite yet.

Week 23

Short of breath?

In pregnancy at week 23, one of the symptoms you may start experiencing is rib pain. This is caused by your rib cage expanding to accommodate your baby and growing bump. You may even feel your baby kicking in your ribs as they grow and need more room. 

They will also be putting more pressure on your lungs causing breathlessness, which may ease with rest. Call your midwife if breathlessness is sudden, and accompanied with chest pain.

Driving when pregnant

Driving while pregnant is usually absolutely fine, however there are some things to keep in mind. When putting on your seatbelt, make sure the top part goes over your collarbone and between your breasts, whilst the lower strap lies across your thighs and hips, and under your bump. 

Avoid long distance travel during pregnancy if possible and, if you are in an accident, no matter how minor, it’s best to get checked out by a doctor to be safe. 

Pregnancy myths & old wives tales

During pregnancy, you will probably be given some advice that you may or may not believe. Visit our website where we reveal which stories are just old wives’ tales in pregnancy, including common pregnancy myths about gender and more.


Have you thought about who you would like as your birth partner(s)?

Birthing partners provide valuable support during labour.

Further information

NCT offers reliable support and information about the various stages of pregnancy, week by week. Our support line offers practical and emotional support in many areas of pregnancy, birth and early parenthood: 0300 330 0700.

We also offer antenatal courses which are a great way to find out more about birth, labour and life with a new baby.

Make friends with other parents-to-be and new parents in your local area for support and friendship by seeing what NCT activities are happening nearby.


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