Your fundraising makes a difference to parents across the UK and Channel Islands. Join #teamNCT today.

Happy fundraisers

There are many ways you can fundraise to help support parents. From entering a challenge event to hosting a bake off, there are endless possibilities. Get creative and let us know so we can cheer you on! 

The money you raise will help:

  • Provide parents with information that they can trust so they can make informed decisions for their family
  • Build community networks and groups that support parents at a local level 
  • Support our infant feeding line

Once you've picked your challenge, join #teamNCT on JustGiving! 

Button link to Just Giving

For more information and fundraising support, get in touch. We'd love to hear from you. 

"My fiancee went through so much when our son was born, even to this day she feels the effects of it all.  This is why we're gaming for 30 hours straight to raise money for NCT this year".

          - Alex who helped raise over £500 for NCT

"As a new mum I was so grateful for the support NCT volunteers gave me when I went to my local group.  It was great just to be able to talk to other local parents and relaise I was not alone.  As a family we organised a yard sale and decided to donate the money to NCT"

         - Cat who helped raise £35 for NCT

Courses & workshops

In-person NCT Antenatal course

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NCT Antenatal refresher course

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Excited couple holding pregnancy test
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