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Responding to the State of Maternity Services in Northern Ireland report, Angela McConville, Chief Executive at NCT, said:  

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Responding to the latest MBRRACE-UK figures for maternal and perinatal mortality, Angela McConville, Chief Executive at NCT, said:  

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Responding to the Women and Equalities Committee report on Black maternal health, Angela McConville, Chief Executive at NCT said:

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Responding to the London Assembly Health Committee report on maternal health and care in London, Elizabeth Duff, Senior Policy Advisor at NCT, said: 

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Responding to the Three Year Delivery Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Services, NCT's chief executive Angela McConville said: 

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Responding to the Spring Budget 2023, Angela McConville, Chief Executive at NCT, said:  

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Responding to Government’s statement on Dr Bill Kirkup’s report into maternity services at East Kent University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Angela McConville, Chief Executive at NCT, said:

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In response to the Covid-19 Inquiry, our Chief Executive, Angela McConville says:

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Responding to the Lancet 2023 Series on Breastfeeding, Della Sykes, Infant Feeding Lead at NCT, said:

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Responding to the Institute of Health Visiting survey of health visitors, Angela McConville, Chief Executive at NCT, said: