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NCT responds to analysis which found that more than half of maternity units in England fail consistently to meet safety standards.

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Alongside leading representatives of the maternity sector, we're calling on the new Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to deliver on the Conservative manifesto commitment to make the ‘NHS the best place in the world to give birth'. 

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We wanted to share our deep sadness that our Queen passed away yesterday. 

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Responding to false vaccine claims that are targeting pregnant and breastfeeding women, Elizabeth Duff, Senior Policy Advisor at NCT said:

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In response to the Health and Social Care Committee’s report on Workforce: recruitment, training and retention in health and social care released today, NCT’s Senior Policy Adviser, Elizabeth Duff said:  

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In response to the first Women's Health Strategy for England to tackle the gender health gap, NCT's Chief Executive Angela McConville said:

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In response to the report, ‘Invisible – Maternity Experiences of Muslim Women from Racialised Minority Communities,’ launched by the APPG on Muslim Women and the Muslim Women’s Network UK today, NCT's Chief Executive Angela McConville said: 

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In response to the Royal College of Midwives' Re:Birth report, NCT's CEO Angela McConville said:

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In response to Five X More's Black Maternity Experiences Report, NCT's CEO Angela McConville said: 

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In response to today's Healthy Mum, Healthy Baby, Healthy Future report released today by the University of Birmingham, our Senior Policy Editor, Elizabeth Duff, said: