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There is a lot to overcome when you’re heavily pregnant over the summer months. Here’s how to cope with each issue.


Being pregnant can make your body temperature rise so the cliché of the roasting pregnant woman wading through summer is a real one. Keep ice lollies in your freezer, carry a mini fan with you and drink plenty of water. You could also eat food with a high water content, like watermelon, to help avoid dehydration.

What to wear

Even if you’ve been managing with your normal wardrobe so far, now it’s hot you’re going to want loose cotton and linen fabrics. Go for loose trousers, maxi dresses or a comfortable t-shirt with maternity shorts. Or you could make your own denim cut-offs by cutting out the pockets and replacing them with stretchy fabric.

If you don’t want to splash out on stuff you won’t be able to wear in a few months, check out NCT’s Nearly New Sales. You could also ask friends who’ve been pregnant recently for their goodies.


Your skin is a lot more sensitive when you’re pregnant so watch out as it can burn more easily. Either stay in the shade, cover up in loose clothing, or hit the sun for short bursts with a higher factor SPF sun cream than normal.


The pregnancy swelling caused by fluid retention (oedema) is at its worst with the heat of summer. Ease it by trying not to stand up for too long, exercising regularly  (walking or yoga are great), and wearing comfortable shoes. It might sound strange but drinking loads of water helps too. You can also do foot exercises. Try:

  • bending and stretching your feet up and down 30 times
  • rotating each foot in a circle eight times each way.


Pre-pregnancy, you might take a picnic next to a lake miles away from anywhere. Now, not so much. Choose a spot near to a loo, or somewhere quiet enough that a quick toilet trip into the bushes won’t be noticed.


If your inner thighs are rubbing together and causing you discomfort, rub some talc on there in the mornings or even try coconut oil.

Take the help

If someone offers you a seat at a barbecue, makes you an icy lemonade, or sets you up a cooling parasol, accept their help. You have a lot on your plate at the moment, and any little wins will make you feel better.


Swimming is one of the best exercises you can do if you’re pregnant. It will give you relief from carrying your bump, from swelling and from pressure. It also strengthens your joints and will cool you down instantly. Bliss.

Further information

Our support line offers practical and emotional support with feeding your baby and general enquiries for parents, members and volunteers: 0300 330 0700.

You might find attending one of our NCT New Baby groups helpful as they give you the opportunity to explore different approaches to important parenting issues with a qualified group leader and other new parents in your area.

Make friends with other parents-to-be and new parents in your local area for support and friendship by seeing what NCT activities are happening nearby.

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